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Gyalwa Ensapa Broome Buddhists

Mind and Its Potential

Wed, 24 Aug 2022
24-08-2022 5:15 PM
26-10-2022 7:15 PM

Discovering Buddhism. Mind and Its Potential


What is our “mind”, its nature and function according to Buddhism?

How does our mind determine our experience of happiness and suffering? Are mind and brain the same? What creates our experiences? What happens when we die?

Explore methods to transform destructive thoughts and attitudes

and develop a positive and joyous mind.


Includes Meditations

This course is presented over eight weekly sessions

5:15pm to 7:15pm.  Wednesday Evenings

August 24th - October 26th 2022   (School Holidays excluded)

Course fee $80

No-one is turned away from the Dharma.

Please contact if needed.


Email: broomebuddhists@gmail.com    Phone/text Sandy for more information - 0405077753


Broome Buddha Sanctuary

5 Millington Road, Cable Beach WA

Ticket Type Price
Mind and Its Potential Wednesday evening 24th August to 26th October 2022 5:15pm-7:15pm Mind and Its Potential Module 1 of Discovering Buddhism <div>Buddha Sanctuary 10 Millington Road, Cable Beach</div><div>Wednesday Evenings 5:15pm - 7:15pm 24th August to 26th October 2022 </div> (Two week break for School Holidays 28/9/2022 & 5/10/2022). Includes Meditations $80.00 Sale Ended
Buddha Sanctuary
5 Millington Rd, Cable Beach WA 6726, Australia

Broome, Western Australia, 6725, Australia

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